MongoDB GridFS Adapter


composer require league/flysystem-gridfs:^3.0


Interacting with MongoDB GridFS through Flysystem can be done by using the League\Flysystem\GridFS\GridFSAdapter.

Read more about the MongoDB PHP Library in the official documentation.

Simple usage:

$client = new MongoDB\Client('mongodb://localhost:27017/');

// The internal adapter
$adapter = new League\Flysystem\GridFS\GridFSAdapter(
    // GridFS Bucket

// The FilesystemOperator
$filesystem = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);

Advanced usage:

$client = new MongoDB\Client('mongodb://localhost:27017/');

// The internal adapter
$adapter = new League\Flysystem\GridFS\GridFSAdapter(
    // GridFS Bucket
        // Bucket name in the MongoDB database
        'bucketName' => 'project_files'
    // Optional path prefix

// The FilesystemOperator
$filesystem = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);


In GridFS, file names are metadata to file objects identified by unique MongoDB ObjectID. There may be more than one file with the same name, they are called “revisions”:

  • Reading a file reads the last revision of this file name
  • Writing to a file name creates a new revision for this file name
  • Renaming a file renames all the revisions of this file name
  • Deleting a file deletes all the revisions of this file name

The GridFS Adapter for Flysystem does not provide access to a specific revision of a filename, you must use the GridFS API if you need to work with revisions.