Public URLs

Public URL generation was added in 3.6

Flysystem can generate public URLs for files. For adapters that can generate URLs by themselves, no additional configuration is needed.

The following adapters have public URL generation capabilities:

  • AWS S3
  • Async AWS S3
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • WebDAV


Public URLs can be generated using the publicUrl method.

$publicUrl = $filesystem->publicUrl('path/to/file.txt');

Prefix public URL generation

For adapter that do not provide public URLs, a base URL can be configured in the main Filesystem configuration.

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(
    ['public_url' => '']

Sharded URL generation

Most modern browsers allow 6 connections per domain. To circumvent this restriction, you can pass a list of URL prefixes to distribute the paths across domains.

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(
        'public_url' => [

The distribution mechanism is based on the following output abs(crc32($path)) % count($prefixes). This produces a reproducible distribution. This means that given the same list of prefixes, and the same path, the same URL is produced.

Custom public URL generator

use League\Flysystem\Config;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\UrlGeneration\PublicUrlGenerator;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(
    publicUrlGenerator: new class() implements PublicUrlGenerator
        public function publicUrl(string $path, Config $config): string
            // implement your own public URL generation
